When I’m talking with Lourdes, it feels like she is really “there” – totally present. I find speaking with Lourdes brings me to discover insights about myself I didn’t know I had. It’s something about her calm, disarming demeanor that makes me want to open up and chat. I recommend her to anyone who wants to understand him or herself better.
Austin Bauer
Speaker and Trainer – AustinBauer.com
Los Angeles, California
Al hablar con Lourdes siento que de verdad está presente. Descubro más sobre mí mismo que desconocía. Hay algo en su quietud que consigue que me abra a conversar. La recomiendo a cualquiera que quiera aprender a entenderse mejor.
Austin Bauer
Orador y entrenador- AustinBauer.com
Los Ángeles, California
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